22″ Manhattan alloy wheels made in the UK for Porsche, Range Rover & Sport
- By prestigewheels
- . August 14, 2013
22″ Manhattan alloy wheels available for 4×4 made in 10×22 with applications to suit Porsche Cayenne, Audi Q7 and Range

New Wheel | Rimstock team dynamics | Balmoral 22″ for 4×4, Q7, Cayenne, Range Rover & Sport and X5 / X6
- By prestigewheels
- . July 23, 2013
The new ‘Balmoral wheel’ exclusively available from Prestige Wheel Centre UK, made in the UK with full TUV approval.

Sneak preview of the Balmoral wheel in 22″ by Rimstock
- By prestigewheels
- . January 14, 2013
A very sneak preview of the new 22″ Balmoral wheel by Rimstock plc for 4×4 vehicles including #Rangeroversport #2013Rangerover #AudiQ7

Prestige Wheel Centre to release the Jade R DMS made by Rimstock plc
- By prestigewheels
- . July 4, 2012
Soon to be released is the new Jade R DMS wheel made in the UK by the same company that